-   P L A Y    -   S O L I T U D E    -   W I N T E R    M O U N T A I N S    -   B O D Y    A   S O U L    -   P A R T N E R S H I P    - C R O S S I N G    L I M I T A T I O N S  -



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Try to meet what it will be like ... when winter asks!

We invite you to participate in our experiential winter course. We offer you a few days of walking in the Czech-Polish border mountain area natural environment and a bit of warmth inside a modest mountain hut.

The entire course has three parts: 
> Introductory weekend is focused on the methodical preparation for the stay in winter conditions. 
> The main part of the course takes 6 days - three days include wandering and bivouacing in winter mountain area, the remaining time is dedicated to experiential program in the hut and its surroundings. 
> The final weekend is about recollections, new challenges and again ... about the countryside and the people living in it.

The aim of the course is to offer the participants the possibility to reach deeper into their souls – to get to know themselves in an unusual situation, to get to know their limitations. We want to meditate in silence, alone in the heart of the mountains; we want to assume the gifts offered by a community of like-minded people. We offer you the opportunity to try different types of adventure activities too.

The course dates in 2019 are:
Part 1 – meeting each other, methodology of winter outdoor stay: 11.-13. 1. 2019
Part 2 - wandering and winter experiential stay: 4.-9.2. 2019
Part 3 - Walking through early spring nature: 8.3.-10.3. 2019

If you want to subscribe or just need more information, do not hesitate to mail us, we will be happy to solve everything you are interested in.

Tip: You can see the character of the course in the photo gallery, it is also important to think about the appropriate equipment for staying in winter mountain area (in Czech).