- P L A Y - S O L I T U D E - W I N T E R M O U N T A I N S - B O D Y A S O U L - P A R T N E R S H I P - C R O S S I N G L I M I T A T I O N S - |
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Try to meet what it will be like ... when winter asks!
We invite you to participate in our experiential winter course. We offer you a few days of walking in the Czech-Polish border mountain area natural environment and a bit of warmth inside a modest mountain hut. The entire course has three parts: The aim of the course is to offer the participants the possibility to reach deeper into their souls – to get to know themselves in an unusual situation, to get to know their limitations. We want to meditate in silence, alone in the heart of the mountains; we want to assume the gifts offered by a community of like-minded people. We offer you the opportunity to try different types of adventure activities too.